Reporter appears to get scandals confused

Reporter appears to get scandals confused - Video: Tom Rinaldi’s brain says Penn State, but his mouth says Ohio State – twice. The child sex scandal at Penn State has seemingly been the only thing ESPN has talked about in the past 48 hours — and with good reason. But the coverage has been so intense that perhaps it's starting to make some of its reporters a little loopy.

Take Tom Rinaldi, ESPN's point person when it comes to controversial news. He twice refers to Penn State president Graham Spanier as the president of "Ohio State University." Spanier is on his way out after backing two former Penn State employees and their role in the scandal. According to the Pennsylvania attorney general, Spanier also was alerted to the actions of former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky and never took action.

As if Ohio State needed any more negative publicity. The Buckeyes were embroiled in their own NCAA mess late last year and through the summer, but nothing even remotely close to the despicable nature of the allegations levied against Sandusky.

Rinaldi even appears to realize that he used the wrong school after the first reference, but goes on to mention "Ohio State University" for a second time as he closes out his report. As the video's title suggests, it is an epic, "Rinaldi Fail."

At the time of this post, Spanier had not tendered his resignation, but was expected to do so by the end of the day.

via: yahoo

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