Obama's popular 'body man' leaving job

Obama's popular 'body man' leaving job - Reggie Love, Obama’s ‘little brother,’ to exit the White House. Perhaps no other White House aide is closer to President Obama than Reggie Love, a 30-year-old former Duke football and basketball star who has worked for the president since his days in the Senate.

As the Obama's personal assistant, Love has been a constant presence at Obama's side, never more than a few feet away as his boss signs autographs and poses for photos.

But Love has been more than just a bag valet who carries hand sanitizer and extra pens. He's also been Obama's constant companion, someone who will play basketball with him at a moment's notice (and not play Obama easy, just because he's the most powerful man in the free world).

As Obama has told reporters over the years, he considers Love to be the "little brother" he never had. And now, Love is leaving.

As the Washington Post's Anne Kornblut first reported, Love is expected to leave the White House by the end of the year—following a trail of other longtime Obama aides who have exited the administration ahead of the 2012 election.

White House officials offered no details on Love's departure, but a friend tells the New York Times he will focus on finishing a MBA at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Business School.

via: yahoo

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