Mom postpones son's surgery to see boxer

Mom postpones son's surgery to see boxer - Mother Postpones Son's Appendectomy To See Manny Pacquiao In Person. You've heard stories of fans doing outrageous things to meet celebrities, but a fan of Manny Pacquiao might have topped them all. The Los Angeles Times reports a mother postponed her son's appendectomy so she could attend Pacquiao's recent media day appearance at Hollywood gym. The woman, who appeared to be in her late 30's, said her name was "Amy" and insisted her sick child supported the move.

"He probably has appendicitis, he's in the hospital, but he knows how much Manny means to me so he said, 'Go, Mom,'" the woman told the Times. "He didn't want to keep me back.

Even Octomom thinks that's not such a good idea. However this Pac Man fan takes issue with any and all critics. "I'm not a horrible mom," she said. "He's not in total danger. Dad's there with him."

Dozens of Pacquiao enthusiasts recently staked out LA's Griffith Park on a cold morning in the hopes of catching the Filipino congressman during his normal early run.

Pac Man says as he gets older and his political career takes off, his days in the ring are numbered. "I'm starting to think of my future life outside boxing," Pacquiao told Inquirer Sports. "(I will fight) a couple more years. I'm still going to fight. I have a number in mind (when I will retire) but I won't tell you."

Pacquiao will defend his WBO welterweight title against Mexico's Juan Manuel Marquez for the third time this weekend in Las Vegas.

via: tpg

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